Lucy Letby: comment on convictions ‘has caused enormous stress for parents’, inquiry hears – live | Lucy Letby

Key moments from the first morning of the Thirlwall inquiry

  • Comments on the validity of Lucy Letby’s convictions for murder and attempted murder have created “an enormous amount of stress” for the parents of her victims, Lady Justice Thirlwall has said on the opening day of a public inquiry into events surrounding the deaths

  • Thirlwall said the inquiry bore her name to avoid the bereaved parents having to repeatedly see the name of the person convicted of killing and harming their infants. “It is not for me to set about reviewing the convictions,” she said, adding “The court of appeal has done that with a very clear result”

  • Rachel Langdale KC, counsel to the inquiry, has said that the purpose of it is “keeping babies safe in future from a healthcare professional who seeks to harm them.”

  • The inquiry has already heard of what are now considered missed opportunities to have halted Letby, with warnings by a senior consultant dismissed, and a failure to take into account similar near fatal collapses when looking at the pattern of deaths in the neonatal unit

  • The Thirlwall inquiry has been told that doctors admitted that the process for reviewing child deaths at the Countess of Chester hospital was “disparate and inconsistent”

  • The inquiry at Liverpool town hall will examine events at the Countess of Chester hospital’s neonatal unit where Letby was a nurse between 2015 and 2016. The 34-year-old, was sentenced to 15 whole-life orders after she was convicted across two trials of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder seven others.

  • It will cover three broad areas: the experiences of the parents of the babies who featured on the criminal indictment that Letby faced, the conduct of those working at the Countess of Chester and how Letby was allowed to repeatedly kill, and the wider NHS culture and governance.


Key events

Rachel Langdale KC has said that the inquiry will seek to determine whether internal reviews after the deaths of two of the triplet in the summer of 2016 were reflected in a “balanced and accurate summary” when management were told “nothing of significance was identified” in what was described as a “thorough internal review”.


The Thirlwall inquiry has been told by Rachel Langdale KC that during 2016 it was the deaths of Child O and Child P that first led the senior management to discuss “unexplained instances of infant mortality” in the department.

By the end of June 2016, Langdale says, “senior paediatricians were in agreement, Letby should be removed from the ward on the grounds of patient safety.”


Rachel Langdale KC has read out an email from Dr Brearey in which he conveyed in strong terms that the senior paediatricians did not believe Lucy Letby should have continued access to patients. This was again not acted on upon by the hospital.

Langdale is also saying the inquiry will be investigating why the first mention of involving the police in the case was in July 2016, but no action was taken to do so until a year later.


After one of a set of triplets unexpectedly died in June 2016, the inquiry is told concerns were raised about Lucy Letby’s presence, but this was not escalated and she was not taken off duty. A second of the triplets subsequently suddenly died, and the parents of the triplets have told the inquiry they believe it was only their insistence that the third child was moved to a different hospital that saved its life.

Rachel Langdale KC explains that there is some dispute in the timelines given by staff at the hospital in their evidence of the precise timing of who raised issues when with Letby’s presence over that weekend. She says the inquiry will examine this in oral testimony.


The Thirlwall inquiry has now resumed after lunch. Counsel to the inquiry Rachel Langdale KC is continuing to give the opening statement. She is running chronologically through the events at the Countess of Chester hospital. This morning she suggested that the evidence given to the inquiry so far indicates there were missed opportunities to prevent Lucy Letby from murdering and harming babies, and that the inquiry will address this.


Key moments from the first morning of the Thirlwall inquiry

  • Comments on the validity of Lucy Letby’s convictions for murder and attempted murder have created “an enormous amount of stress” for the parents of her victims, Lady Justice Thirlwall has said on the opening day of a public inquiry into events surrounding the deaths

  • Thirlwall said the inquiry bore her name to avoid the bereaved parents having to repeatedly see the name of the person convicted of killing and harming their infants. “It is not for me to set about reviewing the convictions,” she said, adding “The court of appeal has done that with a very clear result”

  • Rachel Langdale KC, counsel to the inquiry, has said that the purpose of it is “keeping babies safe in future from a healthcare professional who seeks to harm them.”

  • The inquiry has already heard of what are now considered missed opportunities to have halted Letby, with warnings by a senior consultant dismissed, and a failure to take into account similar near fatal collapses when looking at the pattern of deaths in the neonatal unit

  • The Thirlwall inquiry has been told that doctors admitted that the process for reviewing child deaths at the Countess of Chester hospital was “disparate and inconsistent”

  • The inquiry at Liverpool town hall will examine events at the Countess of Chester hospital’s neonatal unit where Letby was a nurse between 2015 and 2016. The 34-year-old, was sentenced to 15 whole-life orders after she was convicted across two trials of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder seven others.

  • It will cover three broad areas: the experiences of the parents of the babies who featured on the criminal indictment that Letby faced, the conduct of those working at the Countess of Chester and how Letby was allowed to repeatedly kill, and the wider NHS culture and governance.


The Thirlwall inquiry has risen for a lunchtime break.


The Thirlwall inquiry is hearing about a chain of messages about staffing at the hospital discussing Lucy Letby being moved on to day shifts, after some staff at the hospital had noted her presence at all of the deaths and the near fatal collapses in question. Rachel Langdale KC says the inquiry will be examining whether people at that point were more concerned with pressing issues of filling the staffing rota rather than escalating why Letby had been moved.

The inquiry is told that consultant Stephen Breary raised specific concerns about Letby in October 2015. These appear to have been dismissed by the neonatal unit ward manager, who seemed to have taken a view that it was “unfortunate” that Letby had been present.

Langdale told the inquiry that this appears to be the tone of the hospital response, that regardless of them being raised by a senior figure, the concerns were not seen as “urgent”.


Rachel Langdale KC has pointed out that non-fatal unexpected collapses were not included when there were review meetings into neonatal deaths, and that had that happened, it may have become clearer that Lucy Letby was on duty on all these occasions.

She points out that the Clothier report into the deaths of children at the hands of Beverley Allitt in the 1990s had recommended they be recorded.


The Thirlwall inquiry has been told that the death of Child E was another “missed opportunity”, and that the death of Child F should have been flagged up because of a test result indicating the presence of synthetic insulin.

The death of Child E was the fourth unexpected death in the space of two months, and the inquiry was told that head of risk and patient safety at Countess of Chester hospital Ruth Millward accepts it should have been flagged as a serious incident, which would have triggered an investigation.

In a statement given to the inquiry, one of the doctors involved in the cases, who has been granted anonymity, said it was assumed the test on Child F’s blood was inaccurate because it would have been “absurd and ridiculous unlikely” that anybody would have administered it to the baby. “The test being wrong seemed the only possible explanation,” they said.

Consultant Dr John Gibbs has, the inquiry heard, described it as a “collective failure”.


Rachel Langdale KC has said to the inquiry that one of the questions the Thirlwall inquiry is seeking to answer is whether the structures and processes at the hospital contributed to the failure at the Countess of Chester to protect the babies in its care.

She says it is “striking” that when there was a July 2015 meeting held to discuss the deaths there was only one doctor present, and that they, Dr Brearey, “had not personally been involved” in any of the attempts to resuscitate the babies.

Langdale says the inquiry will look at the hospital’s processes around recording infant deaths, its holding of risk registers, and the governance structure.


The Thirlwall inquiry has been told that at a July 2015 meeting at the Countess of Chester hospital after the deaths of three babies in quick succession it was decided that “no further investigation was warranted”.

Addressing the inquiry, counsel Rachel Langdale KC said the inquiry would examine if this was an “opportunity missed”.

She said that as well as not recommending further investigation, the meeting did not examine which staff had been present on each occasion, nor did it include the sudden near fatal collapse of Child B in the cases it was examining, despite it falling into the same period and staff at the time having noted similarities between Child B, who survived the collapse, and Child B’s twin Child A, who died.

Langdale suggests that had consideration been given to the collapse of Child B, and to the staffing make-up during the incidents, then it could have been noticed in that July that Letby had been present “at each sudden and unexpected death.”

The inquiry was told that the issue of which staff were working was not looked at again until a further two children had died.


The inquiry has been hearing about the death of Child D. It was, Rachel Langdale KC says, “the third neonatal death in under two weeks.”

“This exceeded the total number of deaths in 2013, two deaths, and equalled the total deaths in 2014, three deaths,” she says, adding that there had also been the near fatal collapse of Child B during the same period of time. She noted that Lucy Letby had been present on each occasion.

On-call consultant Dr John Gibbs has said in a statement to the inquiry “it was recognised that Letby had been present on each occasion, and this was also noted at the serious incident meeting.”

He went on to say in his statement “Letby worked more shifts than other neonatal nurses and I felt, as did my consultant colleagues at the time, that she was merely unfortunate to have been involved in the cluster of deaths. I was not suspicious of deliberate patient harm.”

Langdale says Child D had an unusual rash, as had Child A. She says there appears to have been a desire to arrange a staff debrief after the death of Child D, but “there do not appear to be minutes.”

Langdale says that in later oral evidence the inquiry will seek to find out more information about what was raised at contemporary meetings.


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Rachel Langdale KC said one of the key questions before the inquiry was whether a “bias” towards Lucy Letby influenced the hospital’s response.

She said the inquiry would examine why detailed medical analysis of the deaths and collapses of babies did not take place earlier, and noted that “It was not until April 2017, almost two years after the first murder, that the hospital made a referral to the police and detailed multi-disciplinary medical scrutiny and analysis was finally conducted.”

The third part of the Thirlwall inquiry will consider wider NHS culture, governance and management structures.


The Thirlwall inquiry has been told that doctors admitted that the process for reviewing child deaths at the Countess of Chester hospital was “disparate and inconsistent.”

Rachel Langdale KC, counsel for the inquiry, has told the chair Lady Justice Thirlwall that the death of Baby A was “not just unusual, but also unexpected” and had left doctors and nurses shocked. Nobody at the time, Langdale said “considered the death of Baby A to be anything malicious.”

Langdale explained that the death of Baby A and the collapse of Baby B happened within a 36 hour period. They were twins. She said that Child A’s death was not reported as a “sudden unexpected death in childhood” as it should have been.

Langdale says that of the seven babies murdered by Lucy Letby, only Baby C had a doctor attend a sudden unexplained death in childhood meeting. Baby C died six days after Baby A, and four days after the collapse of Baby B.

“The deaths of Baby A and Baby C were unexpected,” Langdale explains, adding that the clinical signs around the deaths were considered “unusual”.

But she tells the inquiry medical staff did not link all the cases, and says to the chair that she might want to consider that other deaths could have been prevented if a different course of action had been taken at this point.

Jamie Grierson

Jamie Grierson

Jamie Grierson is attending the Thirlwall inquiry for the Guardian:

Rachel Langdale KC made reference to serial killer nurse Beverley Allitt, who was convicted of four counts of murder, three of attempted murder, and a further six of grievous bodily harm on children at the Grantham and Kesteven hospital, Lincolnshire, in the 1990s.

She told the inquiry a statement had been received by the inquiry from former secretary of state for health Baroness Bottomley, who ordered an inquiry be conducted to establish the facts after Allitt’s crimes.

Langdale said: “Nevertheless, and distressingly, 25 years later another nurse working in another hospital killed and harmed babies in her care.”

She said the inquiry would hear the crimes of Allitt formed part of the training course Letby underwent at the University of Chester.


Rachel Langdale KC has said that the purpose of the inquiry is “keeping babies safe in future from a healthcare professional who seeks to harm them.”

She tells the inquiry that it and the presiding chair, Lady Justice Thirlwall, expect “witnesses to tell the truth, no matter how difficult that might be.”

She goes on to say:

You will hear heartbreaking and thoughtful evidence about the experiences of parents whose babies were named in the indictments. You will hear how their lives have been impacted forever.

She says it is important that each of them should be able to tell the inquiry “what happened from their own unique perspectives” in either oral or written evidence.

There are court-ordered reporting restrictions in place to protect the anonymity of the babies murdered by Lucy Letby, or those she attempted to murder. This anonymity extends to their families. The restrictions apply to the inquiry itself, as well as media reporting.

Rachel Langdale KC, counsel to the Thirlwall inquiry, arriving at Liverpool town hall earlier this morning. Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Jamie Grierson

Jamie Grierson

In her opening statement, the counsel to the inquiry, Rachel Langdale KC, said failure to take into account all the evidence could be damaging.

There is a requirement in every case to take into account all of the evidence and to consider each piece of evidence in the context of all the other evidence. Medical or scientific evidence in the case should never be compartmentalised or examined in isolation. Those who do this will be less likely to see the picture as a whole, and if they do not see the picture as a whole, they may reach conclusions that are not only wrong, but are speculative and damaging.

The comments at the start of the long-awaited inquiry come after reports highlighting doubts over Letby’s convictions. Legal representatives for the bereaved families have said reports calling into question the convictions had been upsetting.

In her opening remarks to the Thirlwall inquiry, Lady Justice Thirlwall described the speculation as a “noise that has caused an enormous amount of stress for the parents.”


Thirlwall inquiry ‘unwavering focus will not be on examining Letby conviction’ but on the hospital’s response at the time

Rachel Langdale KC, the legal counsel to the Thirlwall inquiry, has said the inquiry’s “unwavering focus” will not be on examining the conviction of Lucy Letby for the murder and attempted murder of babies, but on what the response at the Countess of Chester hospital should have been to the deaths.

She told the opening morning of the hearing at Liverpool town hall:

We will consider whether Letby’s crimes could’ve been prevented and whether she should’ve been removed from the unit sooner. The inquiry’s unwavering focus will not be examining the conviction but what the responses were at the time. What people knew or should have known.

We will be investigating whether individuals had at their forefront the need to keep babies safe.

History tells us that medical serial killers are deceptive, manipulative and skilled at hiding in plain sight. For ordinary decent right thinking people the actions of Letby will remain unfathomable.

Langdale said “We will not be inviting speculation about her motive,” adding “We will be asking why detailed rigorous medical analysis of sudden unexpected deaths and collapses did not take place earlier and why [the] attacks were allowed to continue for a year.”


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