Trudeau is attacking Pierre Poilievre over an unsolicited endorsement from Alex Jones when Hamas thanked Trudeau’s government for a vote.

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Justin Trudeau has exposed more Canadians to Alex Jones in the last week than anyone else has in this country in the last year. The prime minister has been obsessed with the American talk show host and conspiracy theorist ever since Jones started saying nice things about Poilievre.
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Twice this past week, Trudeau has teed off on Jones and Poilievre, apparently oblivious to the fact that the terrorist group Hamas thanked the Trudeau government for their support. I’m no fan of Alex Jones, but he’s not a terrorist group responsible for the deaths of thousands and currently using Palestinian civilians as human shields to continue an unwinnable war against Israel.
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That would be Hamas, the group that thanked Trudeau for Canada’s vote at the United Nations.
It’s truly a sign of how desperate Trudeau is that he is jumping on this horse and riding it as hard as he can. He’s just released a budget that spends obscene amounts of money to win back voters, especially young voters, and poll after poll after poll has shown to be a failure.
According to Abacus Data, Ipsos and Angus Reid, Trudeau’s Liberals are 19-20 points behind Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives. Sure, Frank Graves at Ekos claims it’s “just” an 11-point gap but one look at Graves’ late-night social media posts will show his animosity for Poilievre and why his polls shouldn’t be believed.
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So, Trudeau is down in the polls, his budget landed with a shrug, not even a thud, and now he is desperate.
“Every politician has to make choices about what kind of leader they want to be,” Trudeau said Wednesday.
“Are they the kind of leader that is going to exacerbate divisions, fear, and polarization in our country?”
That is exactly what Trudeau has been doing in this country for years, it is what he is doing with his current budget which engages in class and generational warfare to pit young against old, the wealthy against the struggling.
On Friday, he returned to the topic when asked about protests aimed at him. After commenting about protesters who were shown support by a police office at an announcement the day before, Trudeau launched randomly and without prompting into an attack on Poilievre.
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Forget about blackface, which the PM admits to wearing more times than he can recall, Trudeau has many questionable ties. He famously said he admires China’s dictatorship, his brother ascribed superhuman powers to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro upon his death and Castro was an invited pall bearer to his father’s funeral despite the many human rights abuses.
The Trudeau government funded Laith Marouf to teach anti-racism to broadcasters despite his vile public statements. As Terry Glavin has pointed out, Trudeau has funded events with speakers who have said that homosexuality is filthy and worthy of the death penalty and that Christian Arabs who protect Jews from murderers are traitors.
He recently reinstated funding for UNRWA despite document ties to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by UNRWA employees.
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And don’t forget that thank you from Hamas.
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Trudeau has taken Canada into uncharted territory courting far-left leaders like New Zealand’s thankfully departed Jacinda Ardern and socialist Chilean Prime Minister Grabriel Boric. Meanwhile, we are distant from traditional allies or have little currency with them — including the United Kingdom, France and the United States — thanks to Trudeau’s poor job at statesmanship.
Yet, he wants to attack the Conservative leader for getting an unsolicited and unwelcome endorsement from Alex Jones, a man who doesn’t register in Canadian political circles.
Take it from me, a man who has known mainstream American conservative commentators like Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro and the late Andrew Breitbart, that Alex Jones doesn’t matter in most of the United States, and he matters less here. He has a fringe audience at best, but most Canadians would have to Google him to know who he was or remember why they had heard his name.
Trudeau should be more concerned about getting love letters from Hamas and less concerned with which obscure American is saying nice things about Poilievre.
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