The company reported a record revenue of Rs 280.6 crore, marking a significant 13.6% year-on-year (YoY) increase, while its net profit came in at Rs 141.2 crore during the quarter, reflecting a substantial 69.3% YoY increase.
During the quarter, Just Dial’s network of active businesses expanded notably, reaching a total of 44.9 million. The platform also attracted its highest-ever quarterly visitors at 181.3 million, a 5.7% YoY increase.
“We remain focused on identifying new growth opportunities and managing costs. We’re excited about our emerging low-cost customer acquisition channels, which hold the potential to significantly improve margins over time. As we look ahead, we are committed to innovation, including the integration of generative AI to further elevate user experiences,” Shwetank Dixit, Chief Growth Officer of Just Dial, said.
During the quarter, the total traffic in terms of unique visitors stood at 181.3 million, up 5.7% YoY and 6.0% QoQ. Just Dial reported 85.3% traffic on mobile platforms, 11.3% on desktop/PC, and 3.4% on its voice platform.Total active listings stood at 44.9 million as of June 30, 2024, an increase of 18.2% YoY and 3.2% QoQ. 1,373,563 listings were added (net) to the database during the quarter. Out of total listings, 29.5 million listings were geocoded as of June 30, 2024, up 25.3% YoY. Total Images in listings stood at 198.3 million, up 32.0% YoY and 5.2% QoQ.