A letter from Mike Harding is always worth a read and that applies to his recent one about his travails when attempting to rent a car in Ireland (Letters, 5 January).
However, as “the very nice man who chairs the association of car rental organisations in Ireland”, I must clarify one thing.
Car rental companies in Ireland do not apply an upper age limit to their customers. We are aware of some brokers and third-party websites selling car rental that refuse over-75s, but car rental companies have no control over these sites or their policies.
While the exact requirements will vary, car rental companies may require additional information from older drivers. This is at the insistence of their insurers and is consistent with the approach of the state: “A medical report form is required when applying for a licence or learner permit where the driver is aged 75 years and over.”
If Mike ever needs to hire a car again, I urge him to check out the websites of any reputable car rental company directly. Ireland is indeed a country for old men (and women).
Peter Boland
Chief executive, Car Rental Council of Ireland