Young people in UK having to refuse jobs due to high costs, report finds | Young people

Young people in UK having to refuse jobs due to high costs, report finds | Young people

Unemployed young people are having to turn down jobs because they cannot afford associated costs such as clothes and transport, a Prince’s Trust study has found. The research found that the rising cost of living for young people was “threatening the aspirations of an entire generation”. The trust’s annual NatWest Youth Index 2024, which will … Read more

What state are government finances in and what legacy is Reeves likely to inherit? | Economic policy

What state are government finances in and what legacy is Reeves likely to inherit? | Economic policy

Jeremy Hunt was dealt a poor hand when he entered No 11 in October 2022. The public finances were in a mess after Liz Truss and her chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, had splurged £45bn on tax cuts in a mini-budget that was considered so reckless it spooked financial markets. Interest rates spiralled higher, leaving Hunt to … Read more

Welsh semiconductor factory ‘left in limbo’ as Westminster fails to approve US takeover | Industrial policy

Welsh semiconductor factory ‘left in limbo’ as Westminster fails to approve US takeover | Industrial policy

Labour has criticised “dither and delay” from the government over a decision on a proposed takeover of the UK’s largest semiconductor facility by a US company, warning that it could lead to further job cuts at the Welsh factory. The fate of Newport Wafer Fab in south Wales has been unclear for nearly two years … Read more

Angela Rayner: Tories’ council fund is cynical pre-election sticking plaster | Local government

Angela Rayner: Tories’ council fund is cynical pre-election sticking plaster | Local government

Angela Rayner has accused the Conservatives of cynically applying a “sticking plaster” to council finances to get through the next election, as local authority leaders warn that more will go bust next year. The shadow communities secretary said Labour was “under no illusions” about the financial mess it would inherit in local councils if it … Read more

Chancellor considers further national insurance cut to take heat off Rishi Sunak | Jeremy Hunt

Chancellor considers further national insurance cut to take heat off Rishi Sunak | Jeremy Hunt

The government is considering handing workers another tax cut with a further reduction in national insurance, amid desperate attempts to move on from a campaign to destabilise Rishi Sunak by the Tory right. With frustration within the cabinet that the Conservative party has been unable to free itself from internal warring over Sunak’s immigration plans … Read more