The angry foursome was caught on video, so it’s only a matter of time until they are caught by cops

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For a Brampton family it was like experiencing something out of Stephen King horror novel.
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The video – posted on social media for the world to see – had the look of a scene from the Russell Crowe movie Unhinged. But this was real-life at the corner of Torbram Rd. and Sandalwood Pkwy. on Wednesday.
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And cops are not hunting an Oscar winner for chasing after a woman in a road rage incident, they’re looking for four men who put on a wild performance of their own – all caught on cellphone and dash cameras that could be considered award-worthy when it comes to a judge doing sentencing.
First, police have to catch them. As of deadline no one is in custody. But stay tuned.
Disgusted by what he saw, Brampton’s mayor said arrests can’t happen soon enough.
“Brazen acts of violence have no place in our city or Canada,” Patrick Brown said Thursday. “I have confidence the peel police will apprehend these idiots quickly.”
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Thanks to a lot of video evidence, they have some good leads.
“We have suspects as the plate and faces are nice and visible,” Peel Regional Police Const. Tyler-Bell Morena said.
The video does not show what happened between the two cars before the wild road rage incident unfolded in front of a strip mall. But what it does show is a man wearing a Michael Jordan jacket coming to the driver side of a car, trying to open the door, pounding it with his hand.
The man then punches the windshield, causing it to shattered, while another man kicks the front bumper. Two other men got out of the car but it’s unclear if they got involved in the action.
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The sound from inside the victim’s car was sheer terror. You can hear female voices reeling in fear.
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“They were terrified,” said Nitin Chopra, of Prime Asia TV, which shared the footage with the world after receiving it from a family.
Chopra said he felt it was important to air it.
As I know from previous road rage stories I have covered, they can turn law-abiding people into frightening attackers in a flash. Sometimes knives have come out and other times people have been run over.
This video shows a road rage scene in action and it’s clear this could have ended up far worse.
“That is no way to act,” Chopra said. “In Canada if you have an accident, you just trade insurance information and licences and stay calm.”
“These guys were acting like mafia dons. They all should be arrested and charged,” he added.
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That may happen soon.
“It is being investigated as we speak,” Const. Bell Morena said.
With such good images, it might be wise for these suspects to just turn themselves in. As of now, there have been no charges laid and any suspects are innocent until proven guilty.
But police have confirmed the videos circulating on social media and within media circles are evidence.
This scene may not have been from a movie, but it may one day be screened in a courtroom.
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