‘I’m a doctor – the shape of your stools could be a bowel cancer warning sign’

One of the most common types of cancer in the UK is bowel cancer, and while the NHS says you’re more likely to get it if you’re over 50, according to gastroenterologist Dr Joseph Salhab, it’s found in people aged 20, 30 and 40. Addressing his 1.3 million followers on TikTok, Dr Salhab stressed: “You … Read more

US women stocking up on abortion pills, especially amid news about restrictions

Thousands of women stocked up on abortion pills just in case they needed them, new research shows, with demand peaking in the past couple years at times when it looked like the medications might become harder to get. Medication abortion accounts for more than half of all abortions in the U.S., and typically involves two … Read more

How clean is your belly button? Dirty ones are at risk of navel stones – and could even need surgery | Health & wellbeing

Name: Umbolith. AKA: Omphalolith. Age: Can take many years to develop. Appearance: Small, dark, firm to the touch. What is it, some kind of fossil-like formation? Yes, exactly. And where might I find one? In some ancient sedimentary outcrop along the coast? No, in your belly button. Come again? Umboliths, or navel stones, are lodged … Read more

How Dominican women fight child marriage and teen pregnancy while facing total abortion bans

AZUA, Dominican Republic (AP) — It was a busy Saturday morning at Marcia González’s church. A bishop was visiting, and normally she would have been there helping with logistics, but on this day she was teaching sex education at a local school. “I coordinate activities at the church and my husband is a deacon,” González … Read more

Six diet changes that could help you live up to 13 years longer – doctor advice

Alongside exercising, not smoking and cutting down on the amount of alcohol you drink, health experts say one way to improve longevity is to eat well. Dr Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon in the US who has 5.01 million subscribers on YouTube, specified six tweaks to your diet could help you live up to 13 … Read more

4 New Year’s Resolutions Cardiologists Always Make

It’s the season when many people set New Year’s resolutions for the year ahead, and these goals are often related to physical health. Experts say there’s one big area that many people should focus on when it comes to their well-being: cardiovascular health. “Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in America,” said … Read more

‘I’m 50 and in the best shape of my life – I’m even a bikini champion’

Jane Woodhead shed more than a stone and added muscle all over her body by overhauling her eating and fitness regime over 12 weeks. After this achievement, her coach said she was ready to compete in a bikini athlete competition. Despite being in disbelief, she ‘put her faith’ in her coach and pushed herself with … Read more

New Covid symptoms are being reported as JN.1 variant continues to spread

Cases of the JN.1 Covid strain have been ramping up in recent months. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the new variant has cemented itself as the most common strain of the virus spreading across the US. Furthermore, cases of JN.1 are also going up in the UK, as well as China … Read more